These are the questions past clients have asked before they booked us. We hope this compilation of questions paired with every page of information on our website covers any question your little heart could have. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by filling out our contact form or emailing


How many weddings do you book a year?

Our goal is to be able to give our clients an experience tailored to each couple. We only accept 12 weddings a year for this reason. We don’t double book. Your wedding weekend is YOUR wedding weekend.

What are the investment details like?

Eisley Couples plan to invest $4,280 - $8,600 on average for their wedding experience. Intimate celebrations + elopement photography start at $1.200.

To reserve your date, we require a 25% retainer.

How do we secure you as our photographer?

We love your enthusiasm! Your first step would be to inquire through our "tyin' the knot' page. This way we can get to know you two, learn some details of your day and most importantly, see if we're available for your date!

Link: Tyin' The Knot Contact Form

After we find out that we're the photographers for you and we're available for your date, we simply require a signed contract and a 25% retainer.

Are you able to provide custom packages?

Yes! We truly believe no two weddings are the same, and every client has different needs. Our brochure has options to create a custom package tailored to your desires, time frame, and photography needs. We can walk you through every step of the way.

Do you offer any other sessions or products?


Sessions we offer: Legacy Sessions, Branding Sessions, and Real Estate Listings.

Products we offer: Heirloom Albums + Prints and Flash Drive Photo Storage. 

Do you serve LBGTQA Couples?

Yes! Love is love is love is love is love. You are welcome here with open arms. We strive to make our small platform of the world a safe and encouraging space filled with love, acceptance and normalcy. We will also put you in the right direction of hiring other LBGTQA vendors for your wedding. This a community we support and are proud to be allies of.

day of wedding

Do you have a second photographer or assistant?

Yes! It's our main man, George! He wears many hats during your wedding day. When he's not taking photos you may find him scouting portrait locations, holding umbrellas, pinning on boutonnière's, making sure the wedding parties stay put, ensuring the children in your photos are giving us their best smiles, etc. I truly don't know what I would do without him. Having someone who can read your mind comes in handy on a wedding day :)


What happens if your equipment breaks or malfunctions?

Backup equipment is a must. We never leave the house with extra camera bodies, memory cards, flashes, lenses, batteries, etc. 


Are you insured?


Here is a list of venues we're dreaming of photographing:

Willowdale Estate - Topsfield, MA
Tupper Manor - Beverly, MA
Truro Vineyards - Truro, MA
Newport Beach House - Middletown, RI
Branford House Mansion - Groton, CT
Jonathan Edwards Winery - North Stonington, CT
The Essex Resort & Spa and the Ponds at Bolton Valley - Essex, VT
Edson Hill - Stowe, VT
The Barn at Smuggler's Notch - Jeffersonville, VT
Trapp Family Lodge - Stowe, VT
High Mountain Hall - Camden, ME
The Lakeside Barn at Duck Puddle Campground - Nobleboro, ME
1774 Inn - Phippsburg, ME
Bayside Bowl - Portland, ME



How would you describe your style?

We are in a nice little sweet spot between light, bright and airy + pops of color / contrast inspired by the classic look of film. We thrive in natural light which is why we give you a wonderful guide of tips when planning the timeline of your wedding to have the dreamiest of light during your portraits. 

Does this mean we only photograph outside? Goodness no. Venues with an abundance of natural light and large windows truly make our creative hearts sing. We are quite skilled with our flash for when we need them :)

We take a more documentary style approach to your day. However, there will certainly be times during your wedding day where we'll be giving you light direction, and posing. Our goal is to have you both feeling comfortable and relaxed.


Do you edit the images we'll receive in our gallery?

Yes, everything you receive will be edited. Our style of editing is very minimal as we want your images to appear as they naturally occurred. Go through our galleries to get a good feel for our style.

married couple running on marthas vineyard beach

Planning Resources +
Affiliate Links

paper goods printing

Do you need a place to print your save the dates, invitation suites, bridal shower invites, thank you cards, etc? We've got you covered. We're partnered with to give your gorgeous photos with Eisley Images the royal treatment they deserve.

Head on over to our storefront to see all the options available to you.

Discount code: inquire within!

(Referral link for vendors: click here for $25 off your client order)

Wedding Website

Minted.come has our favorite FREE wedding website. You can easily import your engagement session photos, tell your story, introduce your wedding party, leave important details for your guests, and manage your RSVPs!

This is our top pick because we can coordinate a cohesive look to you invitations, save the dates, and general wedding theme. Need help making it? We have that service as an add on to your package!

Click here to check it out!


A normal concern of every couple is to find out if your photographer has ever photographed at your venue before. We are you to tell you to take a deep breath, and that it's all going to be okay! In the ten seasons we've had, there hasn't been a single venue yet to dupe us. Why? We come prepared and during our planning process we do our research. There is nothing a location could throw at us that we couldn't handle.

Here is a list of venue's we've been to in the past & in our upcoming wedding season:

Rhode Island

Blithewold - Bristol, RI
Belle Mer - Newport, RI
The Towers - Narragansett, RI
Mount Hope Farm, Bristol, RI
Newport Vineyards, Newport, RI


Saphire Estate - Sharon, MA
Lake Pearl - Wrentham, MA
Endicott Estate - Dedham, MA
Norwood Space Center - Norwood, MA
The Villa at Ridder Country Club - East Bridgewater, MA
The Flying Bridge - Falmouth, MA (Cape Cod)
Ocean's Edge Resort & Golf Club - Brewster, MA (Cape Cod)
Nonquitt Beach, Dartmouth, MA

New Hampshire

Flag Hill Winery & Distillery - Epping, NH
Wentworth By The Sea - New Castle, NH
Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel - Portsmouth, NH
Mount Sunapee, Newbury, NH
Portsmouth Harbor Events Center, Portsmouth, NH


Union Bluff Hotel - York, ME
The Red Barn at Outlook - South Berwick, ME
Cliff House - Cape Neddick, ME